Win Cadbury Screme Eggs! — Local fun for kids

Win Cadbury Screme Eggs!

Just when you thought you've seen it all... here comes Cadbury Screme Eggs! They're a fun new version of the traditional Cadbury Creme Eggs that appear in stores every spring for Easter. These are just like the original, with one exception: an oozing green yolk in the center, instead of the original yellow-ish color.

But, what's even better than reading about chocolate? Winning some for yourself, right? My friends at Hershey want to spread the word about these cool new Halloween treats, and offered to send one of my lucky readers Cadbury Screme Eggs to try for themselves! Take a minute to enter below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to check out Hershey’s Boo Blvd where you can find even MORE craft and recipe ideas for Halloween!
