Blog — Local fun for kids

Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story On Stage at the Academy of Music

It's been a long winter and I am ready for a night out in the city. Luckily, one of my all-time favorite movies is on stage at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia and it looks amazing!

Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story On Stage is going to be at the Academy of Music later this month. The staged musical of this worldwide smash-hit film arrives in Philadelphia for a two-week engagement beginning March 24 through April 5.

If you have never been to the Academy of Music, you have to go! The theater is beautiful, parking is easy and every show I've ever seen there with my husband has been wonderful.

Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story On Stage is the timeless love story featuring heart-pounding music, passionate romance and sensational dancing. The stage adaptation features the hit songs “(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life,” “Hungry Eyes,” “Hey Baby,” and “Do You Love Me?”   

Tickets for Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story On Stage, are still available by calling 215-731-3333, online at, at the Kimmel Center box office (open daily 10 am to 6 pm) or at the Academy of Music box office (Broad & Locust Sts.) during performances only. Get your tickets and get ready for the time of your life. And, remember, Nobody puts Baby in the corner.


Disney's Monkey Kingdom Trailer #MonkeyKingdom,

Last year, my kids and I went to the theater to see the movie "Bears" on opening day. We totally loved it, and we're looking forward to seeing “Monkey Kingdom,” a new Disneynature movie about Maya, a clever and resourceful blonde-bobbed monkey. 

See the NEW trailer here:

This new film is set among ancient ruins in the storied jungles of South Asia. Maya’s world is forever changed when she welcomes her son, Kip, into her complicated extended family. Like all families, Maya’s has more than its share of colorful personalities—and she’s determined to give her son a leg up in the world. When their longtime home at Castle Rock is taken over by powerful neighboring monkeys, Maya's whole family is forced to relocate, where she uses her street smarts and ingenuity to lead them to untapped resources amidst strange new creatures and unsettling surroundings. Ultimately, they will all have to work together to reclaim Castle Rock, where Maya can hopefully realize her dreams for her son’s future.

This new film swings into theaters April 17, 2015

.For more information about the film and the conservation program, go to

Printable Poems From Your Christmas Elf

Printable Elf Poems

Are you looking for some easy ideas to keep your elf busy this year? These free printable poems for your Elf on the Shelf are perfect for when your elf wants to surprise your kids with a special little note.

Print off these poems now, and tuck them away for when your elf needs a little boost of creativity!

Click here to instantly download on my Etsy shop.

Disney Planes #FireandRescue Release #ad

This is a sponsored post. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.

Is it me or have the past few months flown by? It seems like school just started and now we're counting down the days to Christmas already. One of my favorites things about this season is all of the movies that are released just in time for the holidays. To celebrate the release of Disney’s “Planes Fire & Rescue” on Blu-ray and Digital HD on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, I want to take a minute to talk about the Everyday Heroes in our lives - our kids.

Are my kids Everyday Heroes? Absolutely. And I hope yours are too! There are certainly enough super-powers to go around, so let's all embrace the hero qualities that our kids have.

No one is saying that you need to be perfect to be a hero. Even the best heroes have their faults. But, one thing I've noticed about my kids (and some of the coolest heroes around) is that being a hero means taking the the spotlight off of yourself and putting it on someone else instead. It means doing good things for others because you know it's the right thing to do, not because you want to be acknowledged.

There is something special about being humble and helping others. Just like Dusty, from Planes Fire & Rescue, it's important to recognize that sometimes you need to shift gears to make an impact. 

In Planes Fire & Rescue, Dusty, a world-famous air racer learns that he may never race again and he is launched into the world of aerial firefighting. Dusty joins forces with a team of veteran firefighters; together, they battle a massive fire, and Dusty learns what it takes to become a true hero. 

This movie is a fun high energy action-adventure story that is perfect for the whole family. And, I like the message that putting your ego to the side and working together as a team can lead to great accomplishments. 

“A real hero doesn't expect to be thanked or even recognized.” 

― Tom Collins

Now, that the weather is already getting ridiculously cold here in the Philadelphia suburbs, I know my family and I are going to be having more cozy movie nights over the next few months.  If you are too, you might want to buy Disney Planes Fire and Rescue here. It's a heroic story filled with humor and heart. 


Follow me on instagram to see some of my kids #EverydayHero moments and join in the #PlanesFireandRescueSweeps Twitter party on Thursday, November 6th, from 4-5pm PST (7-8pm EST).

This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Disney Planes Fire & Rescue blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.


Back to School Tips

I can't believe it's time to go back to school already!  

This is my first year that both of my sons will be in school full-time and we're ready for it! We just found out who their teachers will be and now, we are excited to learn which kids will be in their classes. This is the moment they've been waiting for, and I'm excited to share it with them.

I remember back to when my eldest was entering kindergarten. He was incredibly excited, and his eagerness to get in the classroom definitely put me at ease. This year, he'll be able to guide my little guy through full-day elementary school and I think we're all looking forward to it just as much.

Three years ago, as I was anticipating my son's first day in kimdergarten, I wrote up a blog post with lots of tips based on suggestions from the American Academy of Pediatrics. My kids have changed so much over the past few years, but these tips have with held the test of time. 

Read more here: Back to School Advice for Parents and Kids



Art Splash at the Philadelphia Museum of Art


Have you heard about The Philadelphia Museum of Art's new summer program for kids? Their Art Splash program gives kids a chance to explore, create, and play through art and imagination.

Through this special program, the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s main building has been transformed into a special place where families can "Meet the Masterpieces" as select treasures from the Museum's collection come to life through gallery explorations, studio-art creations, and imaginative play for visitors of all ages. Upcoming events include:

Trip around the World - Now through Aug. 17, 2014

- Medieval Worlds - August 19–24, 2014

- Tea and Treasure - August 26–September 1, 2014

Do your kids like to cook?

On Wednesday August 20th, Stephen Starr Events & Catering along with Philadelphia Art Museum will host a kids cooking class as part of the museum's summer family friendly Art Splash programming.

At “Cook with Your Kids,” parents and kids will be able to participate in a fun, interactive cooking demonstration and learn tips on how to cook at home together from Executive Chef Gerald Drummond who helms the kitchen at the museum's Granite Hill restaurant.

The unique class will be located in Philadelphia Art Museum’s Cafeteria from 6:00pm-8:00pm. The class is $45, $40 for members and can be purchased online here. Children must be 6 years of age or older to participate. 

For all other Art Splash events, go to: Art Splash at the Philadelphia Museum of Art


Use Degree. Don't Sweat the World Cup!

This is a sponsored post.

On our vacation, last August, we didn't visit 1 soccer stadium. Oh, no. We went to 3!

We saw Manchester United and Stoke City play at their home fields. We also took a side trip to tour Anfield, the great home of Liverpool FC. We don't get to England very often anymore, so my husband squeezed in as much soccer as he could into a two week period. We even visited the grassy field where my husband played football with his childhood friends.

Yes, we're BIG into soccer! My family has been looking forward to the FIFA World Cup for a long time, and we've had a lot of fun watching it with friends over the past couple of weeks.

The U.S. men's soccer team put up a great fight against Belgium! Even though they didn't win, they proved that they were a force to be reckoned with. It was very impressive!

This summer Degree Men and Walgreens have been cheering on the U.S. team as well. Did you know that Degree is the Official Deodorant of U.S. Soccer? Degree wants to reward fans who Do:More with a great offer.  Hurry and get to Walgreens today or tomorrow (7/4 or 7/5) and receive 1,000 Balance Rewards points when you buy 2 Degree Men Deodorant products.

Move more, play more and Do:More this summer with Degree! 

Dress Like a Cow Day at Chick-fil-A #CowAppreciationDay 2014

If you live near a Chick-fil-A restaurant, it's time to mark your calendar for Cow Appreciation Day! Yes, on July 11, 2014, you can get FREE food for wearing cow attire.

On this special day, Chick-fil-A is giving a FREE meal to any customer who comes to the restaurant fully dressed as a cow.  If you're not quite ready to get completely decked out in cow gear, you can opt to wear "partial cow attire" for one free Entrée (like a chicken sandwich)

My sons and I have celebrated #CowAppreciationDay in the past, and we've always had a good time with it.  I'm not courageous enough to dress from head to hoof, but there are plenty of adults that stroll into the restaurant in full cow attire. 

Do you plan on celebrating Cow Appreciation Day this year?  Get the scoop on Cow Appreciation Day on the Chick-fil-A website, where you can read the F.A.Q's, check out the photo gallery and even buy cow merchandise.

What is Amazon Student? {Referral Link}

This post contains an affiliate link

Have you heard about Amazon Student? It's a program in which college students can receive six months of FREE Two-Day Shipping on eligible purchases with Amazon.  

Think about it. Time is money, so if you can save time by getting free 2-day delivery and not have to drive around to a bunch of stores, that can be invaluable. To make it even better, try to find American made products on Amazon.  That way, you can still supports U.S. companies and make life a little easier for yourself at the same time.

In addition to the free shiping, students will also receive special discounts and promotions.

  1. Join Amazon Student FREE Two-Day Shipping for College Students
  2. Students need to be currently enrolled in a college/university and have a valid .edu e-mail address.
  3. Submit the sign-up form.
  4. Click the verification link in the e-mail they send to complete the sign-up process.

Be sure to share this with anyone you know who is currently in college.  I'm sure they'll appreciate it!

Free and Cheap Movies for Kids - Summer 2014

School is out and parents everywhere are looking for fun and cheap things to do with their kids this summer.  In previous years, I put together a list of free and cheap summer movies across America.  I've updated the list for Summer 2014, and I hope you find some movies in your area!



Bow Tie Cinemas Free Sumer Film Series - Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10am - Seating starts at 9:00 am Absolutely Free Admission! 

Cinema World's Summer KidFest -  Free films, seven days a week, all summer long! Every day at 10am. Children are FREE. Adults are just $2 or FREE with a donation (see site for details).

Cinemark's Summer Movie Clubhouse - Showing 10 films for $5, if purchased in advance, or just $1 per show.

Classic Cinemas - Wednesday morning movie series are just $1.  Now through August 6th.

Flagship Cinemas - Camp Flagship offers free summer movies for kids. 

Georgia Theater Company - Checkout these $1 Movies every Tuesday and Thursday Morning.

Harkins Summer's Movie Fun - Kids can enjoy a movie a week for 10 weeks, for less than $1 per film. 

Marcus Theatres - Kids’ Dream Summer Film Series - Every Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday at 10am. June 15th through August 13th. Family friendly films for just $2!

The Majestic - Vero Beach, FL - Free films, seven days a week, all summer long! Every day at 10am. Children are FREE. Adults are just $2 or FREE with a donation (see site for details).

Marquee Cinemas - Kid's Summer Movie Series - Marquee Cinemas presents a special selection of family films brought to you each week during the summer at no charge.

Philadelphia Waterfront, Screening Under the Stars – Throughout the summer, you can watch different films outdoors on a big screen at Penn’s Landing. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair and enjoy a great summer treat!

Regal - Summer Movie Express - Family movies will play every Tuesday and Wednesday for just $1 admission.

Showcase Cinemas - Every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. through August 3th, just bring a book report (see site for details) with you to the select Bookworm Wednesdays movie and that’s your price of admission!

Keep in mind, all of these summer movie listings are subject to change. I always suggest contacting your local theatre to confirm details. These events tend to be very popular and are often issued on a first come - first serve basis.  

Go to the movies and have a great summer!

Copyright 2014 Local Fun for Kids

Chick-fil-A Giveaway in Lima, PA {sponsored}

If you live in Delaware County, PA, I've got a special treat for you! Chick-fil-A in Lima, Pennsylvania is celebrating summer and they want you to join them! They are hosting the Great Grill Giveaway, which means that everyone who purchases a grilled chicken entree or meal now through June 20th, will get an entry form for their raffle drawing of a FREE gas grill.


Reasons to Love Minor League Baseball!

After a long snowy winter, I am ready for some summer fun with my kids. For us, that means, swimming, road trips, and baseball, among other things. Summer is the perfect time for a minor league baseball game, and if you've never gone to a minor league game, I urge you to check it out.

If you've been to a minor league game in the past, you might already know why these are great for families, and if not, this is a must read: Summer Fun for Kids: Minor League Baseball Games. I'll share the reasons that I love minor league baseball games, and why you might love them too!

Free Donut's on June 6th 2014

It's almost Donut Day and that means you can stop by your local Dunkin Donut and Krispy Kreme stores for FREE Donuts on June 6th!

Participating Dunkin’ Donuts stores will offer guests one free donut of their choice with the purchase of any beverage.  Read more on about the Dunkin Donuts freebie here.

Also on June 6th, stop into Krispy Kreme  for a free donut. No purchase necessary here! Read more about Krispy Kreme's celebration here.

Participation may vary, so please check with your local store to see if they are offering these deals! This offer may not be combined with other offers. Check store for details.

Microsoft Store FREE Summer Camps

Did you know that Microsoft stores (across the U.S. and Canada) are hosting FREE summer camp programs for kids ages 8-13? At these camps, kids can learn:

  • Game Coding
  • Game Designing
  • Movie Making and
  • Photo Taking

Registration is now open for free weekly in-store camps. These camps are broken up into two age groups.  One group for Jr. Designers (recommended for ages 8-10) and another group for Designers (recommended for ages 11-13).  Learn more about Microsoft Camps here and sign up today.

Image Credit:

Amazon Studios Tumble Leaf Series For Kids #TumbleLeaf

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Amazon Studios. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item to thank me for participating.

Play, Nature and Exploration. Over the years, those three things have been a huge part of my life as a mom. If those things are important to you too, you have to check out the new show, Tumble Leaf.

Tumble Leaf is Amazon Studio's first ever kids series aimed at pre-school aged children. Each episode follows a day in the life of “Fig the fox” who lives in a wrecked schooner ship by the sea. Within 3 minutes of turning on Tumble Leaf for the first time, my son said "I like this show." Take a look at this clip and I think you'll understand why.

I have to admit, it takes a lot to impress me when it comes to childrens' t.v. shows. There are some shows that my sons and I enjoy together, but others that I don't see any value in. Tumble Leaf was an instant hit with my 6-year -old son and I. From the moment we turned it on, he was completely captivated by the characters, story and environment, and from a parent's perspective, I was impressed as well.

In Tumble Leaf, Fig's journeys take place throughout a whimsical land filled with adventure and friendship. The stories have a wonderful balance of education and play, which for kids, can be one in the same. My son loved watching Fig and his friends explore their world and figure things out.

The characters are always learning something new. Through play, they are learning about science and engaging with the world around them. Tumble Leaf creates a supportive and magical environment and it has a beautiful, calming sound track to match. I could listen to the show's music for hours.

Have you seen Tumble Leaf yet?  

This show is now available on Amazon Prime Instant Video, and you can watch the first episode of Tumble Leaf for free on the Amazon Studios website. Just click the image below.

There's an App too!

Tumble Leaf recently launched a free Android app featuring six games inspired by objects and activities from the show. You can download the Tumble Leaf App  here.

It's been a long time since I fell in love with a new children's t.v. show, but the characters, music and appreciation of child's play in Tumble Leaf stole my heart. What do you think? What type of kid's shows do you love best? 

Birthday Elf on the Shelf: Book & Party Printables

Note: This is not a sponsored post, however, it does contain affiliate links.

It's almost summer time and the last thing on your mind is Elf on the Shelf, right? But, has your happy little elf stopped by for your child's birthday? Yes. There is a new Elf on the Shelf Birthday Tradition that many elves haven't heard about yet, and it might be coming your way.

I first heard about this new elf birthday tradition months ago, but I couldn't find any information about it online, so I wasn't sure if it was real or not. Then, today, as I was looking on Amazon for something, I saw it: Elf on the Shelf A Birthday Tradition.

What is Elf on the Shelf Birthday Book about?

On the website, it's described like this:

The Elf on the Shelf: A Birthday Tradition tells the little-known story of how Santa’s finest helpers celebrate birthdays at the North Pole—and how you can invite your scout elf to share that tradition with YOU! Each kit includes special instructions for families on how to invite their scout elf for a birthday visit, and a festive birthday outfit for your scout elf to slip into before your big day!

There's more! The folks at Elf on the Shelf made it really easy for you to:

1) Sign up for a special birthday greeting and receive a special message from the North Pole on YOUR big day.

2) Invite your Elf to your birthday party by asking Santa if your scout elf can visit on your special day.

3) Make a birthday donation to Charity Water and help children around the world who need clean water.

4) Print off everything you need for your Elf on the Shelf Birthday Party. (below is a screen-shot of everything that is available on their website.)

Want to throw an Elf on the Shelf Birthday Party?

There are DIY invitation templates, birthday plates, cups, hats, cupcake wraps, thank you notes and more! It's a very unique birthday theme and it might be fun for a Christmas in July birthday too. You can access all of the printables on the Elf on the Shelf website.

What do you think?  

Was your family happy to see your elf return to the North Pole at Christmas? Or, would you like to see your elf stop by for an upcoming birthday?


Wizard of Oz at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia

 This is a sponsored post 

Two things that I love are coming together and I have a feeling it is going to be magical.  THE WIZARD OF OZ will follow the yellow brick road to Philadelphia for a limited engagement at the Academy of Music from June 3 – June 8, and I am so excited about this show!

“We're off to see..." the most magical adventure of them all. Andrew Lloyd Webber's new production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic, totally reconceived for the stage by the award-winning creative team that recently delighted London and Toronto audiences with the revival of The Sound of Music. Developed from the ever popular MGM screenplay, this new production contains all the beloved songs from the Oscar®-winning movie score, all the favorite characters and iconic moments, plus a few surprises along the way, including new songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Click your heels together and join Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Dorothy, and her little dog Toto, as they journey through the magical land of Oz to meet the Wizardand obtain their hearts' desires. Watch out for the Wicked Witch of the West and her winged monkeys as you rediscover the real story of Oz in this fantastic musical treat for all the family.

Whether it's a rare date night with my husband or a mom & son night out in the city, Broadway Philadelphia is always phenomenal. 

Performances include:

  • Tuesday – Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday & Saturday evening at 8 p.m.
  • Matinees Saturday at 2 p.m.
  • Sunday at 1 p.m. and
  • A weekday matinee on Thursday, June 5 at 2 p.m.

If you want to see ths Wizard of Oz, you can get tickets ranging in price from $20 to $115.50 by calling 215-731-3333 or going online at They even have discounted groups rates for select performances by calling 215-790-5883 or 866-276-2947. If you go, come back here and let me know how it was!