
Terrain: A Local Treasure & Feast for the Senses

It was a breezy spring morning, and I decided to check out Terrain with my little guy.  I have driven by this place more times than I can count, but after seeing a few photos of the store on Pinterest, I knew I had see see it for myself.  The only way I can describe it: a true feast for the senses.

What is Terrain? It's a little bit of everything... store, garden center, cafe, boutique, private event venue.  It's a little hard to explain, so I thought you might like to watch their video from Vimeo. 

Something about this place makes me feel happy. And, apparently, my son agrees. 

Upon arrival at Terrain, my son walked along an old log in the parking lot. Once inside, he made funny faces in an oversized mirror. His little hands felt the different types of cacti. He was completely captivated by the water fountains that were scattered throughout the store. He frolicked around the outdoor garden center and smelled the flowers.

There were so many cool things to buy at Terrain and many of their products were made in the USA, which is fantastic! If you don't live near their stores in PA or CT they have an online shop with such unique home, outdoor living, jewelry, accessories, and garden products. Plus, they currently have a promo code FORMOM so you can get free shipping on all orders over $100.

I hope you liked hearing about our first visit to Terrain. I know this won't be our last visit, and I'm looking forward to attending one of their many in-store events.


Have you discovered any local treasures lately?

 This is not a sponsored post.  

Video Credit: Terrain at Glen Mills, PA from Terrain on Vimeo. 

Make Extra Money & Get Your Voice Heard With Focus Pointe Global


If you've ever participated in a focus group, you know that they can be a lot of fun and a super easy way to earn some extra cash! Focus Pointe Global is a Marketing Research company which holds focus groups across the U.S. and they want to pay you for your opinion.  

How do focus groups work?

First, you sign up to join their database of local consumers. When Focus Pointe Global has a project that you might qualify for, they give you a call and/or contact you via email. Each group has very specific profile requirements to ensure they gather the very best information possible for their industry clients. If you qualify, you will be invited to the group. 

Once you get to the group, you will be asked about your perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members. (source)

Focus groups typically last up to 2 hours and you can generally earn about $75 to $150 per group.


How can I join a focus group?

It's easy to sign up! Focus Pointe Global is currently looking for moms across the country who want to participate in focus groups. 

Go to www.focusgroup.com for more information on paid marketing research and other opportunities in the Philadelphia area and other cities across the U.S. It’s a great way to make a little extra money and get your voice heard to help impact products that you use and more!

If you live in the Bala Cynwyd, PA area, Focus Pointe Global in currently looking for Mothers with kids ages 6-17 to participate in research on the topic of Food Products. You can earn $75-$145. Go to http://bit.ly/50623CC to take the qualifying survey.

Have you ever participated in a local focus group before?  


Enter to Win a Loggerhead Apparel Bellwether360 Polo Shirt!

Just yesterday, I was chatting with a friend about how difficult it can be to buy gifts for family members. We both agreed that we want to buy meaningful and useful gifts, but they can be hard to find. Shortly after that conversation, I learned about Loggerhead Apparel from my friend Sarah at USA Love List.  Loggerhead Apparel goes above and beyond to solve my gift dilemma. Let me tell you why.

mean·ing·fulHaving a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose

By now, everyone knows how important it is to support local businesses.  When you shop from local U.S. businesses, more money is invested back into our commmunity. Loggerhead Apparel supports the local textile industry, because 100% of the production process takes place in the U.S. Even shifting a small percent of your spending to focus on local businesses can have a huge positive impact on the American economy.

Buying local also has less of an environmental impact. Locally made products typically use less packaging and leave less of a carbon footprint. But, Loggerhead Apparel takes it a step further. 10% of the revenue from the sale of all Loggerhead Apparel shirts will be donated directly to local causes supporting the conservation and protection of the Loggerhead turtle.  I think that's impressive!

use·ful: Able to be used for a practical purpose

Father's day is coming up, and some men are pretty hard to shop for, but, I don't know of any man who wouldn't like top-quality, American-grown, American-made clothing. Whether at work, or at a summer bbq, I think my husband would look great in a Loggerhead polo shirt.  And their t-shirts look really nice too. Plus, the company’s polo and tees support US cotton growers by using American-grown supima cotton that is grown in Arizona

Now for the giveaway!

Here’s your chance to win one Bellwether360 polo, in a men’s, women’s or children’s size, in a color of your choice.  It's easy to enter below through the rafflecopter widget. This event will end at midnight Eastern time on Thursday, May 2. There are a variety of entry options including opportunities for multiple daily entries. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


National Library Week: April 14-20, 2013


Did you know it's National Library Week?  Yes, this week we are honoring libraries across the country by celebrating their contributions to society and promoting library use.
If you've ever read my post Ten Reasons Why Your Local Library is the Perfect Place for Local Fun, you know I'm a fan of our local library. When my kids were babies and toddlers, we were always at our local library. They have many age appropriate programs with books, crafts, music and play time. It's a great place to socialize with other local moms, and get your kids out of the house.
This week, head over to your library to see what's new and take part in the celebration!

Learn more about National Library Week here.

3 Reasons To Get Your Kids Outside

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How much time do your kids spend outside?  Without a doubt, my kids and I spend more time outside than inside, and I'm always surprised when I see statistics that show the limited amount of time that most kids spend outdoors. Did you know that, on average, children today are spending half as much time outdoors as they did 20 years ago?*  

The National Wildlife Foundation has a fanatastic campaign called Be Out There which encourages parents to get their kids to spend more time in their backyard, local playground or park.  Here are 3 reasons, ,from their website, why kids should be playing outside:

  • Children who play outside are more physically active, more creative in their play, less aggressive and show better concentration. (Burdette and Whitaker, 2005; Ginsburg et al., 2007)
  • Sixty minutes of daily unstructured free play is essential to children’s physical and mental health. (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008)

  • The most direct route to caring for the environment as an adult is participating in “wild nature activities” before the age of 11. (Wells and Lekies, 2006)

Here are some photos I took while we were playing outside at a local arboretum:

Wouldn't you like to take a seat here?

Here is a place to rest and a place to explore.

Join a friend at this table as your kids play a game of tag at the arboretum.

I took these photos at the Sit-a-Spell exhibit at the Tyler Arboretum. If you're in the Philadelphia area, you can catch the exhibit now through October 28, 2012.  It's one of the many great places across the U.S. where your kids can run free and Be Out There!

Where is your favorite place to let your kids play outside? Do you have any local outdoor treasures?

*Reference: Juster et al 2004; Burdette & Whitaker 2005; Kuo & Sullivan 2001