Museum Day Live! Offers Free Admission September 2013

As a child, my parents took me to tons of museums and historical sites up and down the east coast of the U.S.  I may not have appreciated it much back then, but now I see the value in exposing kids to everything museums have to offer. Museum Day Live! is an annual event in which participating museums across the country open their doors to anyone presenting a Museum Day Live Ticket...for free! This year, it takes place on September 28th, 2013.


Here are some details about the program which were listed on the Museum Day Live! Facebook Page:

- Only an official Museum Day Live! ticket is eligible for free entry. Official tickets can be found here on the Museum Day Live! website soon, stay tuned.

- One ticket per household, for two people.

- A ticket will gain entry to only one of the participating museums, excluding parking and special events and exhibits.

- If museum reaches capacity, museum has the right to limit the number of guests until space becomes available.

You can find participating museums and learn more at


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