For the first time in almost 2 years, I took a vacation from my blog. My family headed to Cape Cod, MA and in the midst of the packing chaos, I completely forgot to throw my laptop in the car. So, if you've been wondering where I've been, there's the story - short and sweet!
After a long drive up to Brewster, MA from Philadelphia, we got settled and had the chance to experience some once in a lifetime activities that I will never forget. I have to admit that it was not love at first sight when we arrived in Cape Cod, but I quickly fell in love with the area as soon as we started getting our feet wet, going where the locals go, and taking in all that Cape Cod has to offer. Looking into the eyes of a wild seal, taking in a baseball game at sunset, and roasting s'mores on the beach were just a few of my favorite activities.
I can't wait to share all of our adventures with you! Since there is no way I can sum up everything into one blog post, I'll be writing about each of them individually. And, of course, I'll be pouring my heart out about weight loss and fitness too. Spending time in the-land-of-lobster-rolls was challenging, but I've come back home with a completely new outlook on "diet" and I remain focused.