2. Please grab a button so every one can see where you like to party. It doesn't matter where you put our button, it's just nice to put it somewhere. If you don't like buttons simply link back with text. No stress here, it's the nice thing to do and I know you are nice.
<center><a href="/"><img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Jo1971/combinedbutton4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a></center><br />
3. Link directly to your project post. No giveaway links, shops, or other rif raf.
4. Become a follower of Local Fun For Kids and/or SmileMonsters if you want to be extra sweet.
5. Take the time to visit at least two links and let them know you found them at Local Fun for Kids. Spread the love around a little. Consider it one of your random acts of kindness.
Grab a 'Featured On' button
if I've ever featured you on the blog:
<em><a href="http://www.localfunforkids.com"><img src=http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i357/localfunforkids/LocalFunforKidsLogo.jpg"/></a></em>
A big *Thank You* to everybody who participates. : )