Happy Fun for Kids Friday!

Happy Friday!  Thanks so much for stopping by. This week, I'm skipping straight to the linky. 

I know you're busy too. You probably have other linky parties to get to, but first come on in and party with us. Don't forget to take a minute to visit at least two other links. Spread the love around a little.

New to Fun for Kids Friday?  Here's how it goes:

If you are not a blogger, skip the guidelines and get to the good stuff!  Check out all the thumbnails of kid-friendly activities, crafts and recipes and get inspired!

For anyone who wants to link up:

1. Find up your new kid related projects, crafts, activities or family friendly recipes.

2. Please grab a button so every one can see where you like to party. It doesn't matter where you put our button, it's just nice to put it somewhere. If you don't like buttons simply link back with text. No stress here, it's the nice thing to do and I know you are nice.


<center><a href="/"><imgsrc="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/Jo1971/combinedbutton4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a></center><br />

3. Link directly to your project post. No giveaway links, shops, or other rif raf.
4. Become a follower of Local Fun For Kids if you want to be extra sweet.